郵便局での会話 英語聞き取りオーディオ


I went to the post office yesterday to pick up a package for my wife.

The exchange I had with the post office employee was very informal.  Have a listen a see if you can pick up what was said.

In our conversation you’ll learn several ways to say thank you.





Post Office Conversation

Nick: Good morning

Staff: How are you?

Nick: I am here to pick up a package.

Staff: Yep.


Staff: What’s your surname, Ke…?

Nick:  Kemp.

Staff: OK.

Nick: Should be a box

Staff: A box?

Nick: Yeah.

(Returning with my box)

Staff: Now, you got your id there, haven’t you? (I had my driver’s licence ready to give to him)

Nick: Yep,

Nick: Yep, great (Handing my licence back to me)

Staff: Just sign there


Nick: Alright! Thank you

Staff: Thanks for that. Ta.

Nick: Cheers.

Staff: Bye bye.


Different ways to say thank you:

Ta:  It’s a slang word for “thanks” The word is a result of the heavy Danish influence on the English language. The Danish word for “thanks” is “tak”. In Scotland and upper England it was common to drop the “k” at the end because of the way words were pronounced during the time of old English and Middle English. Now, “Ta” is a common infomal way to express thanks in England and Australia.

Cheers: ‘cheers’ has overtaken the expression, thank you, to become the most popular phrase to bestow gratitude. Many people in England and Australia believe that saying ‘thank you’ sounds too formal, and would rather heap praise using colloquial terms like ‘cheers’, ‘lovely’ or ‘brilliant’. Read this article.


Other ways to say thank you:

1. Nice one

2. Cool

3. OK

4. Brilliant

5. Lovely

6. You star

7. Much appreciated

8. Merci

9. Danke

10. Gracias


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