英単語 ワード・オブ・ザ・ウィーク No.1

Hey there,

This is the first of many to come “Word of the  Week” videos that I’ll be making for you.

Yesterday, I was at a supermarket doing some shopping with my wife and son. I thought it would be interesting for you if I recorded a video showing you the amazing amount of fresh fruit we are fortunate to enjoy in Australia.

Watch the video to learn this week’s word of the week.


Abundance: an extremely plentiful or oversufficient quantity or supply.

“So, in Australia, you can see we have an abundance of different kinds of fruit(s).”

If you watched the video, then you would have seen all the different varities of apples we can buy. I love apples.

Speaking of apples, do you know the proverb; “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” ?

Did you notce that we sell most of our fruit buy the kilo?

“And here, we’ve got some cherries for nine dollars….that would be nine dollars a kilo.”







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